Teachings of HIM: Haile Selassie I on “Free communication needed”

Without a doubt, Haile Selassie I wisdom and knowledge was well beyond His years. Haile Selassie gave a speech on “free communication needed” way back in December 1965.
Now more than ever we can see now why He made such a speech for the Africans to behold, as well as the entire world. Haile Selassie I was all for education and work.
He wanted the betterment of all mankind, therefore He made it important to establish schools, hospitals, churches etc to be erected for the use of all men.
Therefore from the teachings of HIM, we will share and discuss the speech on “Free communication needed”. With the hopes that you may grow further on your journey.
Free Communication Needed
“Africans, too, have recognized the imperative that there must be, for the sake of their common welfare, some means for the free communication and exchange of ideas in an atmosphere untainted by extraneous political considerations.
We may not consciously have sought the “scientific” way to deal with Our problems, but we have recognized and continue to maintain Our belief in the necessity for an objective approach to the difficulties which we share.
In these hours of crisis and tension across the world, no nation, however willing, can hold itself apart from the encroachment of political and nationalistic forces.
Nonetheless, it remains clear beyond doubt that the interests and concerns shared by the developing nations cover a vast expanse demanding exploration, but as yet scarcely known to exist.
Thus, the subject matter of this, the fifteenth of the Pugwash Conferences, is vital, timely and potentially of far-reaching importance.
The developing world now includes the greater part of the human race; thence it is essential that the hopes, the aspirations, and the necessities of its peoples be carefully evaluated and understood.
Proper application of knowledge
Progress in this world had been possible only through the consistent application of knowledge which was amassed by you scientists and your predecessors during the past centuries.
One need look no farther than the wonders of Axum and Lallibela to realize that this continent in which you are now assembled did, at one time, share the benefits of science and technology.
However, all of you here, trained, and excellent, in the application of your minds to the true understanding and betterment of the world, are now confronted with what has been termed the “revolution of rising expectations.”
Ultimately, this is a revolution which can be peacefully accomplished only through an unselfish cooperation among nations. Yet we cannot postpone the needs, the hopes, the aspirations of our peoples indefinitely.
Little Spent For Development To be sure, there exists throughout the world a sense that something must be done, and, as well, a belief that all that should be done is being done.
The misallocation of of resources
But in terms of the enormous resources squandered in wars or in the amassing of weapons of destruction or even devoted to the enthralling conquest of space,
the amount which has been allotted to bettering the existence of the individual in the developing world is little indeed. Poverty, fear, ignorance,
disease are not problems vanquished in the wake of scientific progress; they are the problems with which we struggle from day to day.
All these problems will surely not be solved by the present Conference. But, it is Our earnest conviction that, at the very least, the forthright exchange of ideas and impressions concerning them will occur here.
Prosperity through man’s intellect
In a world made strong and prosperous through the force of man’s intellect, it is a further challenge to that intellect that science be charged to solve the unique problems of development;
for all mankind must share in the better life which progress has made possible. It is this challenge which must triumph over the evils that plague our peoples;
which must temper and reduce the racial, political and religious differences among them; which must bring to them the peace required for the better world which you seek to create.
It is this challenge which must be the impetus and the inspiration of your deliberations here.”
Haile Selassie I
Dec. 29, 1965.
Communication a means to spread knowledge
For the sake of the common welfare of not only the Africans home and abroad. But also the nations right across the world that we continue the spreading of knowledge,
that we do our utmost best to capitalize on the communication we have at our disposal for the benefit of mankind. Though some of us are exposed to “free communication”;
many are still facing expenses imposed by their governments for communication. Therefore we must utilize all the resources we have available for selfless purposes.
We must capitalize on the social platforms to spread knowledge and wisdom of the creator as much as we can. To spread righteousness and positivity.
In a time where many has seemed to lose hope, let us therefore rise to the test and follow after RasTafari in spreading knowledge and love.
It is important for all on their journey to learn their history and have knowledge of their past. In order to be of great effect today know where it is you truly belong.
Knowledge paves the way to understanding, therefore seek knowledge and wisdom. Use the resources available to you to educate yourself and grow.
I pray therefore that these articles and this website is sufficient for you along your journey. To provide insights and encouragement.
Knowledge not easily found on your day to day, to help strengthen you along the path. Seek therefore righteousness, love and prosperity, hope and knowledge.
Let the Most High guide you along the way and keep you in righteousness. We must do all we can to spread the word of RasTafari those who are of the faith.
We must encourage, teach and help our brothers and sisters, to let love and peace reign on Jah earth. Let us lead by example and do what it is we can do now.
We must continue to do that which is right, to share and spread the knowledge we have to those without. I pray that this inspires you,
to not only walk in the path of HIM, but to help others on their journey to walk in His path and do that which is right. Be blessed, Selah.