The Teachings of HIM: RasTafari speech on Religion | Wise Mind

Regardless of any man’s faith, it is important that we hold on to something of deeper value and meaning. RasTafari spoke profoundly on religion while He also spoke on Spirituality.
It is important for a man to be rooted in a Supreme Being, and hold to the principles and values of their faith. This teaches man to live for something greater than themselves.
Therefore we’ll take a look at some of the few speeches in which RasTafari made on Religion to better help us on our journey. It is only when a people strike an even balance between scientific progress,
Spiritual and moral advancement, that it can be said to possess a wholly perfect and complete personality.
Rastafari speech on Religion
“Discipline of the mind is a basic ingredient of genuine morality and therefore of spiritual strength.”
In anything you do in life, discipline is a crucial character in which one needs to posses. Discipline of the mind will allow you to have restraints and teach you how to best to achieve happiness.
If I want to be great I have to win the victory over myself…self-discipline. Therefore discipline of the mind leads one to genuine morality and spiritual strength,
Because that discipline will leave you unsatisfied in wrong, but only through righteousness will satisfaction come. By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character leading to higher spiritual strength.
“Knowing that material and spiritual progress are essential to man, we must work for the equal attainment of both.”
Only then shall we be able to acquire that absolute inner calm so necessary to our well-being.
Whenever conflict arises between material and spiritual values, the conscience plays an important role and anyone who suffers from a guilty conscience is never really free from this problem until he makes peace with himself and his conscience.
“Now is the time when sincere belief in man’s kinship to Elohim must be the foundation for all man’s efforts for enlightenment and learning – the basis for all understanding, cooperation and peace.”
Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as was given by the Most High.
It is our conviction that all the activities of the children of men, which are not guided by the Spirit and council of Elohim will bear no lasting fruits; they will not be acceptable in the sight of Elohim.
“Belief in the Creator is the surest foundation of any civilization.”
To have belief in the Creator, the Almighty, should surely be the foundation of any civilization. One a civilization has it’s belief centered around a Creator, they will abide by the Creators will.
Those who have a firm belief in the Creator regardless of the faith one has chosen, surely knows the importance of obedience and righteousness.
Therefore to base a civilization on the Creator will surely plant a firm foundation for a nation. Leading them to a higher cause greater than themselves, unselfish and loving towards all.
“Any monument to be left for our people, to be permanent, must be erected upon spiritual foundations.”
A monument is something erected in memory of a person, event, etc. Usually these monuments last for many generations to come,
Therefore, it is important when leaving behind something so impressionable that it be erected upon spiritual foundations. To leave behind a lasting impression of righteousness.
To remember always about our spirituality and the importance of not only living in the physical only, but to remember always we’re a spirit in a body.
Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the universe and each other. As the essence of our existence it embodies our culture, true identity, nationhood and destiny.
Introduction Dr. Billy Graham • Haile Selassie “One Race, One Gospel, One Task” World Evangelical Congress on October 26, 1966 Berlin
We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by humans which were supposed to help people grow spiritually.
Therefore, let us use religion to help us to grow spiritually for this is the true aim of religion. Let us not allow the different religions to not allow us as brothers and sisters not to grow together.
One Race, One Gospel, One task! Let us unite spiritually and be led forward by the Creator in doing His will and not that of our own.
I pray that this article will help you along your journey to grow, mentally and spiritually. To grow for a righteous cause and be led by the spirit of HIM in all things.
Let these words be an inspiration unto you and others, be blessed. Selah.