Rastaknowledge | Master Master, I will serve you to the end! – Leonard Howell

Rastaknowledge will reveal with you a speech by Leonard P Howell, Master Master, I will serve you to the end! It is rather important to we who are of the faith,
To continue to seek the knowledge that is available to us, to strengthen the faith, and help along this journey. Therefore have I made it my duty to seek these knowledge and write them for you.
The Duke of Gloucester
“In 1930 the duke of Gloucester undertook one of the most interesting duties he had been called upon to execute up to this date. The occasion was the Coronation of His Majesty RasTafari.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah, The Elect of God and the Light Of the World.
The duke was to represent his father the Anglo Saxon King. The duke handed to His Majesty Haile Selassie I, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
A Sceptre of solid gold twenty seven inches long, which had been taken from the hands of Ethiopia some thousands of years ago.
The duke fell down on bending knees before His Majesty RasTafari the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and spoke in a loud tone of voice and said
Master, I will serve you to the end
‘Master, Master my father has sent me to represent him Sir. He is unable to come, and he said that he will serve you to the end Master.’ See Psalm 72: 9-11 and Genesis 49:10
On one side of the Sceptre was inscribed ‘Ethiopia shall make her hands reach unto Elohim’, and on the other side ‘The King of Kings of Ethiopia’.
The top of the shaft was finished with a Seal and above was a clen cross in which a single carbuncle was set..
The duke also handed to Queen Omega, the Empress of Ethiopia. A Sceptre of gold and ivory, the shaft being in the form of a spray of lillies, and at the top of a spray of lillies in bloom..”
Leonard P Howell
Therefore, it is important that any of us of the faith to continue to seek the knowledge and history of RasTafari. In addition, we must seek all knowledge surrounding His Majesty Haile Selassie I and Ethiopia.
Our history is important if we are to ever move forward for a brighter tomorrow. Not only for us who are of the faith of RasTafari, but also the entire mankind.
Therefore seek the Almighty Jah with all your heart, love, hope and faith. Never stop seeking HIM and His infinite wisdom and Knowledge.
In addition, seek our history written in the Bible. It is important that we know that our history stems throughout the entire creation, recorded in the Holy Bible.
Seek therefore the words of Jah, one chapter a day with a clear conscience and humble heart. From Genesis one to Revelations 22. To seek all truth and wisdom of Jah.
Be ye patient, don’t rush the teachings in the scripture but be diligent in the word of the I Am. Let Jah be praised and all His enemies scatter.
In addition continue holding the faith and be steadfast in His ways and teachings. Be Blessed. Selah.