The Declaration of the Three Hundred and Eighteen Orthodox Fathers

Verily the Tabernacle of the Covenant was the first thing to be created by HIM. There is no lie in thy words; it is true, and correct, and righteous, and unalterable.
He created Zion before everything else to be the habitation of His Glory. With the plan of His covenant was that which He said, “I will put on the Flesh of Adam. Which is of the dust, and I will appear unto all those whom, I have created with My hand and My voice.”
In addition, if it had been that the heavenly Zion had not come down, and if He had not put on the flesh of Adam. Then Elohim the Word would not have appeared, and our salvation would not have taken place.
The testimony (or proof) is in the similitude; the heavenly Zion is to be regarded as the similitude of the Mother of the Redeemer, Mary.
Above all, in the Zion which is builded there are deposited the Ten Words of the Law. Which were written by His Hands, and He HIMself. The creator, dwelt in the womb of Mary, and through HIM everything came into being.
The Kebra Nagast
RasTafari encourages us to seek the Word in the “Bible“. Therefore it is important for us to seek the Word in order to know “RasTafari”. His Majesty, also encourages we of the faith to seek the scriptures a chapter a day from Genesis one to Revelation twenty-two.
One of the many books He encourages us to read, along with the Bible is the Kebra Nagast. Which translated to english means “Glory of the Kings“. It is our History, removed from the scriptures to help keep us from the truth.
In being confident in HIM, they try to remove the truth away from our eyes. But fortunately, the Truth cannot be removed and a lie to prosper. By the grace of “Jah” these hidden knowledge have been revealed and there for the taking.
Therefore, the more you hunger and thirst after the “Most High” the more he’ll reveal unto you who truly seek HIM. Seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding children of Israel. Be vigilant and mindful in these times, Selah.