The King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I speaks on Justice & Equality

The King of Kings, Emperor Haile Selassie I speaks on Justice and Equality. His Majesty was a firm advocate in righteousness, justice and equality for all.
Therefore, from the Teachings of HIM, RasTafari speaks profoundly on Justice and Equality from the Wise Mind of HIM. Justice is a concept of moral rightness based ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, equity and fairness.
Similarly, Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. Today, we must seek to maintain and uphold Justice and Equality for all.
The Teachings of H.I.M: RasTafari speech on Justice & Equality | Wise Mind of HIM
The King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I speaks on Character
Unless the rights of the least of men are as assiduously protected as those of the greatest, the seeds of confidence will fall on barren soil.
Haile Selassie I Speaks on Justice and Equality
“Justice is the fundamental axiom for the survival of freedom and government.”
For the survival of freedom and government to remain in existence, justice has to be the fundamental axiom. Otherwise, chaos and turmoil will overcome.
Without Justice, there is no peace, and with no peace there cannot exist a civilization. Therefore, we must ensure justice is the foundation and fundamental axiom for all freedom and government alike.
The King of Kings Haile Selassie I speaks more on Peace
The Teachings of H.I.M: RasTafari speech on Peace | Wise Mind of HIM
“We can never rest content with our achievements so long as men…assert on racial grounds their superiority over the least of our brothers.”
How can any man with righteousness, justice and equality in himself rest content knowing others are being belittle on racial grounds?
It is our duty as free men, defend those who can’t seem to find it in themselves to defend their own. We must assert ourselves in defending and eradicating this injustice and inequality.
We must never be content knowing these problems still exist today, no matter how small or great it needs to dealt with by those who mentally and spiritually stronger.
Our achievements are miniscule compared to the work that needs to be done to establish proper justice and equality.
“Unless the rights of the least of men are as assiduously protected as those of the greatest, the seeds of confidence will fall on barren soil.”
Confidence belongs to all men. Confidence should be in the heart of every man. But, the rights of men of the very least should be protected assiduously like those of the greatest.
Otherwise, this will be in vain. Every man has the innate right to be respected and produce confidence with their rights protected.
Unless the rights for all men are protected, true justice and equality will never truly exist. We must do all we can to ensure the rights of all men are protected.
“He who is worthy of praise amongst men is the man who, animated by sentiments of justice, perseveres in the way of equity.”
Many men want fame and power, but the praise always goes to the man who knows the sentiments of justice and perseveres in the way of equity.
Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari on Unity & Brotherhood Part 1
Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari’s Responsibilitiy
Those worthy of this accolade, knows the meaning of sacrifice, justice and equality. They know all too well that unity is strength. Unity is the basis in which we need to make it all work,
and it cannot work without justice and equality for all. Men worthy of praise, knows all too well the importance of justice and equality. Therefore, let us work unselfishly towards equal justice and rights for all men.
Racial discrimination means the negation of the moral equity of all men and the deprivation of the African of his dignity and personality.”
Racial discrimination is the denial of the moral equity of all men. Thus, the African being deprived of his dignity and personality will not move forward in progression.
Therefore, Racial discrimination must be of vital importance to us to eradicate this injustice, to preserve the dignity, personality and equality for all men, especially we Africans.
Let the words of Haile Selassie I inspire us to work towards a brighter tomorrow and better way of life for all men. Every man deserves to live in peace and harmony, love justice and equality. I pray this article inspires you today to do that which is right.