The King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I speaks on Religion

Emperor Haile Selassie I was a firm believer in Religion, He was a firm advocate in spirituality guiding man in these times. RasTafari spoke profoundly on religion while He also spoke on Spirituality.
It is important for a man to be rooted in a Supreme Being, and hold to the principles and values of their faith. This teaches man to live for something greater than themselves.
Therefore we’ll take a look at some of the few speeches in which RasTafari made on Religion to better help us on our journey. It is only when a people strike an even balance between scientific progress,
The Teachings of HIM: RasTafari speech on Religion | Wise Mind
Rastafari Knowledge: Speech on Spirituality- Material and Spiritual progress
Spiritual and moral advancement, that it can be said to possess a wholly perfect and complete personality.
Haile Selassie I speaks on Religion
“Man is mortal; each one of us here will, one day, face his maker and answer for his actions.”
Although we are both a spiritual and physical being, the flesh must one day return to the earth. Every man in this life, according to his actions,
will answer to the maker for all his actions. Every man regardless of who or where cannot escape the judgement of Jah. Therefore, let your actions today
be guided by love and humbleness. Let not your actions take you on the path away from the creator. Let every man know that he has the power to make a change.
One must be guided by discipline of the mind in order to control his actions. Especially those that are made through habit rather than of the true consciousness.
“God’s reasoning differs from that of man.”
A man is just a man. Therefore, man who time to time will give into the pressures of life. Jah will always overcome. We must therefore not judge the actions of the Almighty.
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Where Jah see perfection, man might see corruption, not understanding the root and fundamental as to why it must be. Therefore, envy no man,
judge not your brothers and be grateful for the life Jah has given you, and not to watch your neighbour. Life will teach us that Jah is the Alpha and the Omega.
“It is only when a people strike an even balance between scientific progress, spiritual and moral advancement, that it can be said to possess a wholly perfect and complete personality.”
When man learns the perfect balance with scientific progress spiritual and moral advancement then can it be said to possess a wholly perfect personality,
Striking the important balance of not trying to be God while also still remaining humble to share the benefits of each advancement made by man.
We must therefore maintain this balance to not lose ourselves. To not be obsessive with one aspect more than the other. Spirituality must be carefully managed to not let you become higher than yourself,
while scientific advancement must be maintained to not destroy ourselves or to be more empowered over our fellow brothers. It is important that this balance be made from all angles.
“It is only when the human mind is guided by religion and morality, that man can acquire the necessary vision to put all his ingenious inventions and contributions to really useful and beneficial purposes.”
All human inventions from the most primitive tool, to the modern atom, can help man greatly in his peaceful endeavors. But if not guided by religion and morality,
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The Teachings of H.I.M: RasTafari speech on Peace | Wise Mind of HIM
can be put to evil purposes they have the capacity to wipe out the human race from off the face of the earth. The progress of science can said to be harmful to religion only in so far as it is used for evil aims,
and not because it claims priority over religion in its revelation to man.
“Progress without religion is just like a life surrounded by unknown perils and can be compared to a body without a soul.”
To have progress without a faith or religion is like a body without a soul, it is dead! Man must know where in life he is headed and to know what it is their purpose is to make such progress.
Man must be guided by these principles to know where in life it is he is going. To know to what extent and purpose he is there and what it is that he must do.
To truly progress, man must have a vision of prosperity and love and togetherness with the intention of growth and betterment. Therefore let us be guided by faith to know that we heading in the right direction. Not to the unknown perils which can befall us.