Haile Selassie I selected speeches on African Unity, Cornerstone Apr. 29, 1960

Haile Selassie I, the selected speeches of H.I.M on African Unity, the cornerstone | Special Education. Haile Selassie I had faith in the unity of all Africans and all men.
In order for Africa and it’s people to reach the summit of their potential, African unity has to be the cornerstone of it all. Our greatest asset is our unity, we must exploit it to the fullest.
Therefore, let us share the speech made by HIM on African Unity being the cornerstone. It is important for us of the faith to seek and search the teachings of RasTafari.
We must be wise and take heed to the teachings of His Majesty. He hath laid the foundations in the way in which we should go, let us honour HIM by following His examples.

Each of us depends on the other, can learn from the other and in pursuing his own destiny, will go further and succeed more quickly with others.
African Unity, Cornerstone
Unity should be the cornerstone of relations among African States for it would ensure confidence and co-operation. Disunity, on the other hand,
May 25 1963: The Organization of African Union headed by Haile Selassie I
Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari on Unity & Brotherhood Part 1
while dissipating their strength, always ends in regrettable results. For this reason, We are making arrangements to grant scholarships to Our African brothers to study in Our military institutions.
In but a few weeks, the Independent African States will convene in Our Capital to explore the means and avenues for advancing this high cause of the freedom,
independence and progress of the African peoples. It is Our conviction that the Guenet Military Training Centre has already, during the last quarter of a Century,
well served this noble objective. May a yet broader and more fructifying mission be reserved, in the coming years, to this institution which has so well earned the lasting gratitude of Our beloved people.

Mutual confidence and collaboration should exist among the African Nations. As disunity always brings regrettable results, it is with this object in view that
We are granting scholarships in Our military institutions to Our African brothers. In conclusion we would like to express our heartfelt thanks
Organize and Centralize, The RasTafari community MUST Unite now!
The Teachings of HIM: RasTafari speeches on the United Nations
to the delegations from friendly countries who have come to join in the celebration of this Silver Jubilee of this Military Training Centre for the Souvenirs given by them as well as to our military units and civil administration,
which certainly express the thoughtfulness for the welfare of this institution.