The King of Kings Haile Selassie I speaks more on Peace

The King of kings and Lord of lords Haile Selassie I spoke profoundly and extensively on Peace. His Majesty, RasTafari, always believed in a world of Peace. In a time where the world knows where not to turn, let us reflect on the teachings of HIM, Haile Selassie I on Peace.
As the word of His Majesty Haile Selassie I ‘Peace is a day-to-day problem, the product of a multitude of events and judgements. Peace is not an is – it is a becoming.’
Therefore, let us act, consistently and strive towards a day where peace reigns eternal. Let us work for trust among men, for disarmament, for Peace. This is the character of those who walk in the faith of RasTafari.
In addition, let us not lose our faith in the great Creator, work to attain peace, trust and hope in our fellow brothers and sisters.
The Teachings of H.I.M: RasTafari speech on Peace | Wise Mind of HIM
Organize and Centralize, The RasTafari community MUST Unite now!

Haile Selassie I speech on Peace
“The great nations of the world would do well to remember that in the modern age, even their own fates are not wholly in their hands. Peace demands the united efforts of us all. “
In a day and age when knowledge is so easily dispersed amongst the nation, the great leaders of today knows their own fate relies not entirely on them like past times. Therefore, in this time, no longer will a people be deceived by their lies and personal agenda.
Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari on Unity & Brotherhood Part 1
Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari on Unity & Brotherhood Part 2
They will have no choice but to give in to the needs and wants of the people. Only when the unity of all people is recognized can there be peace. How can we live in such a peace knowing our brother or sister are being targeted?
Therefore, the nations of today, know that only with the unity and cooperation of our fellow ones can this “Peace” for all be achieved.

“Where there is no lack of goodwill, all international disputes can be resolved…all nations, whatever their political persuasions, can live together in peace.”
Once there is goodwill, all disputes can be resolved. Regardless of each nations agenda, peace can reign once there is no lack of goodwill.
Goodwill, the friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude. Once fully established, can work towards the peace of all mankind. Once the needs of the people are met, peace can be attained.
“Peaceful coexistence is not merely the absence of war…the world itself is an empty bottle; it is for us to give it content and meaning.”
Not because there is an absence of war means that there is peace reigning amongst man. Remember, even during the days of slavery war was not present, but neither was there peace.
Bob Marley song ‘War’ was inspired by Haile Selassie I speech
The Teachings of H.I.M: RasTafari speech on Justice & Equality | Wise Mind of HIM
Therefore, though even when there is no war amongst us, we must not forget that we must coexist and strive towards a greater cause. We must therefore give life meaning and a realness that all men can feel.
Everyman and woman from every corner of the earth can feel the need and importance of playing their own part. Then can we as a people live together in a peaceful coexistence.

“The responsibility for safeguarding world peace is not limited to the great powers. Peace and war affect not only the big powers but all mankind. Therefore, it is the concern of all peoples of the world.”
Not because the world leaders of today, chosen by us, have the responsibility to ensure world peace means it’s entirely up to them. Peace, war, regardless of which state we are in affects us all.
Therefore, it is the duty, not only of the the great powers, but even that of us. To play our part in the safeguarding of the truth and peace of all mankind. We must therefore act accordingly to what is needed on behalf of our daily duties and not wait for the great powers to act.
Teachings of H.I.M: Rastafari Speech on Leadership, How to be a leader
“Let us vow to be strong today only that we may, in our strength, advance the time when it will be possible to beat our swords into ploughshares, and when nation shall not make war upon nation. Let Us pledge together that this time will not be long.”
We need to make solemn vow to ourselves, not to any nation or people but to ourselves. That we may look within and find the strength to come together,
regardless of any differences and make peace with our one another. We must know that it is only up to us that we can have peace reign amongst men.
We must therefore acknowledge the fact that it is only together, with unity can we make way for a better day and tomorrow. So we must make that vow that we can strive for this order.