The Teachings of HIM: RasTafari speeches on the United Nations

From the Teachings of Him, today we’ll discuss the speeches by HIM, RasTafari on the United Nations. The Teachings of Him gives us who are of the faith of RasTafari a lot of insights of His Majesty.
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.
Therefore, we’ll take a look at few of the speeches made by HIM, to strengthen those of us who are on our journey in RasTafari. His Majesty was an exemplary leader who laid the foundation for those of us in the faith.
It is important for us to have the knowledge and wisdom of HIM, Haile Selassie I. We must seek to become a higher version of ourselves to overcome the unrighteous spirits.
RasTafari speech on the United Nations
It is necessary that the governments of the United Nations who are now working for the reconstruction of the world peace, should be guided by the principles of impartiality so that they shall lay down a solid and proper foundation stone for a system of peace, which shall outlive generations.
The Teachings of H.I.M: RasTafari speech on Peace | Wise Mind of HIM
The Teachings of HIM: RasTafari speech on Development | Wise Mind
It is important to know that peace is a day to day problem. Therefore it is necessary that the governments working for the reconstruction of the world peace,
be guided in the right direction of the Creator, with the principles of impartiality so as a proper and solid foundation stone can be laid for generations to come.
Peace…has become even more necessary to mankind than ever before. The alternatives confronting the governments of today are no longer peace or war, but peace or the annihilation and complete doom of mankind.
We live in an age of ideologies, and world peace is too precious a thing to be disturbed merely because of the clash of these ideologies. It is entirely different matter, though, when one country attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of another.
We must be mindful of our brothers and sisters whose ideologies might vary and differ from that of ours. We must not allow for these ideologies to clash.
However, we must find a common ground in which we can all unite and come together as one. United for a cause, to preserve humanity and the love for our fellow ones.
We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice,
owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.
The United Nations can only be effective, provided its members are willing to make it strong by giving their wholehearted support in each and every case where justice, decency and fair-mindedness so demand.
The Teachings of H.I.M: RasTafari speech on Justice & Equality | Wise Mind of HIM
Justice and Equality is unbiased. Therefore, the United Nations can only be effective, by uniting together wholeheartedly in support of true justice.
Fairness and co-operation must be effective in order for true justice and equality to prevail. Members of the United Nations must willingly support each and every case,
with justice and equality where it so demand otherwise the nations will perish. Honesty means not to oppress anybody and deny him his deserved share.
The peoples of the world are about to succeed in overcoming the barriers of time and space by living as members of closely linked family of nations as a result of the advances made by modern science and technology.
Modern science and technology has allowed us to overcome the barriers of time and space. Using these knowledge and technology,
it has allowed us as members of a closely linked family of nations to come together. Using modern technology and science for the aid of mankind,
can allow us to come together all at once without even having to leave your country. It can allow us to bring unity, peace and togetherness like never before if used under the guidance of the Almighty.
Therefore we must continue to use these mediums to come together, like I have with creating this website to pass on knowledge of HIM.
It is perhaps, no accident that the United Nations headquarters resembles a structure of glass. It is fragile, not an indestructible, institution.
Rastafari Knowledge: Speech on Spirituality- Material and Spiritual progress
His Majesty, although He knew the importance of material progress, has never allowed HIMself to be taken aback by it. He knows that even though the United Nations headquarters is the base of operations for all nations,
He also knows that like any other material possession, it too can crumble and fade. Hence His speech, it is fragile, not an indestructible, institution.
It must be dealt with carefully and take into consideration this too can crumble. Therefore, take no illusions that the material building is the final answer of hope and peace.
Maintain your spiritual progress as well, let your actions be guided by that of the Creator.
It is important for those of us who are of the faith, to continue to seek out the Teachings of HIM. Strengthen your mind and spirit with the knowledge of HIM.
Learn of your history and your past, to guide your future actions in righteousness. Let the spirit of the Jah lead you into all truths and righteousness of HIM.
Therefore I pray that this article will have helped you to know more and strengthen you along your way. Let us become members of a new race in oneness. Let us continue to love and praise Jah, be blessed. Selah.