Haile Selassie I on the Economic Development in Ethiopia

Haile Selassie I on the Economic Development in Ethiopia. His Imperial Majesty was a showed great leadership, both in Africa and worldwide.
Haile Selassie I was never one to think selfishly, He would always think of His people, both locally and abroad. Haile Selassie I knew the importance of what economic development could have on a country.
Therefore, He made it His duty to set about a plan to help in aiding His country to further develop with the rest of the world. Today we can see results of such a strategic plan by HIM.
Ethiopia’s economy experienced strong, broad-based growth averaging 9.8% a year from 2008/09 to 2018/19. Ethiopia’s real gross domestic product (GDP) growth rebounded to 9% in 2018/19.
This is as a result of His Majesty true leadership skills set about for His people back in the 90’s. And today we will take a look at the economic development He laid.
“For the first time in Ethiopia’s long history the country has had a National Development Plan. His Imperial Majesty introduced in 1957 the first Five-Year Plan, the beginning of a twenty-year socio-economic plan.
He has pressed forward a broad-based programme of infrastructure with the expressed purpose of laying the foundation for Ethiopia’s all-round, national economic development.
The results are today evident in many areas of the nation’s viable and expanding economy. And the second Five-Year Plan is now being implemented.”
…As you know, the military, civil, peasant, commercial and industrial classes of the population are all part of the same body politic.
They are similar to the parts of the body, such as the hands, the feet, the eyes and the blood, and they are all dependent on each other and must work together in helping each other for the proper health of the body.
Just as the circulation of blood gives life to the human body, so the commercial and industrial enterprises constitute the life-blood of the population.
It is not Our intention to support one part of the activity of the Empire as against another part, but to assist them all to grow and work together for the benefit of the whole population.
We shall assist the commercial and industrial as well as all other sectors to co-operate for the benefit of the whole.
We are gratified to accept your words today stating openly that you have decided to abide by the Ethiopian Constitution and particularly by the Currency Law and Legal Tender proclamation issued over a year ago.
It should be recognized that We accept no difference between foreign and local traders. The progress of business in general is in the interest of the whole population;
therefore, We shall do all in Our power to assist you to maintain this progress in the future….