“Tamrin”, the Merchant who reported to the Queen of Ethiopia

Concerning Tamrin, The Merchant. And there was a certain wise man, the leader of a merchant’s caravan, whose name was Tamrin.
He used to load five hundred and twenty camels, and he possessed about seventy three ships.
However, at that time King Solomon wished to build the House of Elohim. Therefore he sent out messages among all the merchants in the east and in the west, and in the north and south.
Bidding merchants to come and take gold and silver from him, so that he might take whatever was necessary to manifest the works.
And there was certain men who reported to the King concerning this rich Ethiopian Merchant, therefore did Solomon send him a message. Telling him to bring whatsoever he wished from the country Arabia. Red Gold and black wood that could not be eaten by worms, and sapphires.
And that Merchant, whose name was Tamrin, the Merchant of the Queen of Ethiopia, went to Solomon the King. So Solomon took whatsoever he desired from him, and he gave to the Merchant whatsoever he wished for in great abundance.
The Merchant of Great Understanding
Now that merchant was a man of great understanding, and he saw and comprehended the wisdom of Solomon. He marvelled, an he watched carefully so that he might learn how the King made answer by his word.
To better understand his judgement, and the readiness of his mouth, and the directness of his speech. To observe the manner of his life, and his sitting down and rising up, his occupations and his love. His administration, and his table and his law.
When Solomon gave orders, how he spoke with humility and graciousness, and when they had committed a fault he admonished them[gently]. For he ordered his house in the wisdom and fear of Elohim, and he smiled graciously with the fools.
He opened his mouth in parables, and his words sweeter than the purest honey; his whole behaviour was admirable. And his entire aspect pleasant. For wisdom is beloved by men of understanding, and is rejected by fools.
The Merchant Marvelled exceedingly
Therefore, when the merchant had seen all these things he was astonished, and he marvelled exceedingly. All who went unto Solomon held him in complete affection, and he [became] to them like a teacher. Because of his wisdom and excellence,
Those who had once come to him did not wish to leave him and to depart away. His words were like water to a man that thirst, filled with sweetness, while like bread to the hungered. It was like healing to the sick man and like clothes to the naked. Solomon was more than a teacher, he was like a father to the orphans.
His judgement was with righteousness and accepted the person of no man (i.e he was impartial). He had glory, and riches, which Elohim had given unto him, in much abundance, namely gold and silver and precious stones.
Rich apparel, and cattle, and sheep and goats insurmountable. Now, in the days of Solomon the King, gold was as common as bronze, and silver as lead and iron as abundant as the grass of the fields. Cedar-wood was also in abundance.
Elohim had given unto Solomon the glory of the Kings, and riches and wisdom, and grace in such abundance that there was none like unto him among his predecessors. Among those who came after him there was none like unto him. Selah.